Friday 24 April 2009


1. A light beam striking a plane mirror at an angle of incident of 60o is reflected from the mirror and then strikes another mirror placed so that the angle between the mirrors is 45o. What is the angle of reflection at the second mirror?

a. 15o d. 60o

b. 30o e. 75o

c. 45o

2. Which of the following statements describes the image formed by a plane mirror and also its size comparison to its object?

image type

image size
















3. The object located in front of a concave mirror form the upright image 5 times bigger than the object. If the radius of the concave mirror is 120 cm, then the object distance to the mirror is …..

a. 36 cm d. 55 cm

b. 45 cm e. 72 cm

c. 48 cm

4. If the image formed by the concave mirror with radius 20 cm is real and magnified twice, then the object is located in front of the mirror at distance of …..

a. 60 cm d. 15 cm

b. 30 cm e. 10 cm

c. 20 cm

5. A concave mirror has the focal length of the 8 cm. If the image distance to the mirror is 6 cm, then the object distance to the mirror is …..

a. 2 cm d. 24 cm

b. 6 cm e. 48 cm

c. 14 cm

6. An object is located 15 cm in front of a concave mirror with radius 20 cm. The image produced at distance of

a. 25 cm d. 20 cm

b. 45 cm e. 30 cm

c. 30 cm

7. A stream of light hits one side of a plan parallel glass from air with thickness is 5 cm, if the glass refraction index is 1,5 and angle of incidence is 30o, determine the displacement the of light

a. 1 cm d. 1,5 cm

b. 2 cm e. 2,5 cm

c. 3 cm

8. An object is located 20 cm in front of convex lens. If focal length 20 cm. Determine the image location

a. 5 cm d. 25 cm

b. 10 cm e. infinity

c. 15 cm

9. Agar bayangan benda terbentuk di jauh tak hingga, maka benda harus berada di...

a. Titik O d. antara O dan F

b. Titik f e.antara F dan P

c. Titik P


An object as high as 0,5 cm put down of 7 cm left side lens of divergen with length of focus 5 cm. hence its shadow situation[is ….

A. 2 cm real, straightening, enlarged

B. 3cm illusory, straightening, minimized

C. cm,illusory, straightening, minimized

D. 3 real cm, inversed, enlarged

E. 4 cm, illusory, straightening, minimized.

11. A flimsy convex lens has focus distance f. If object put down in front of lens at shorter distance of focus of lens distance, nature of its shadow is

A. Illusory , straightening, enlarged

B. Illusory ,straightening, minimized

C. Reality, inversed, enlarged

D. Reality, inversed, minimized

E. Reality, straightening, minimized

12. A spider has 3 cm height stands 40 cm in front of a convex lens. If the lens has focal length 15 cm. Determine the image.

a. 24 cm height and virtual

B. 1,8 cm height and real

C. 0,6 cm height and diminished

D. 1,8 cm height and upright

E. 24 cm behind the lens and upright

13. Sebatang tongkat yang tingginya h berada di depan cermin cembung dan jaraknya ke cermin sama dengan panjang fokusnya. Bayangan yang terbentuk akan bersifat....

a. Nyata dan diperkecil

b. Nyata dan diperbesar

c. Maya dan diperkecil

d. Maya dan diperbesar

e. Nyata dan sama besar

14. Sebuah benda diletakkan di depan cermin cekung yang berjarak fokus 15 cm. Agar bayangan yang terbentuk bersifat nyata dan 3 kali lebih besar, maka benda harus diletakkan sejauh...

a. 5 cm B.10 cm

b. 15 cm C.20 cm

c. 25 cm

15. A plane mirror lies face up, making an angle of 15o with the horizontal. A ray of light shines down vertically on the mirror. What will the angle between the reflected ray and the horizontal be?

a. 0o d. 15o

b. 30o e. 45o

c. 60o

16. Sekeping uang logam terbenam sejauh 2,6 cm di bawah permukaan es (nes = 1,3). Tentukan kedalaman yang tampak jika uang logam dilihat secara tegak lurus.

a. 2 cm d. 1,5 cm

b. 0,5 cm e. 2,6 cm

c. 3,38 cm

17. Find the sine of the critical angle for an air-water interface…

a. 49 d. 1,33

b. 0,66 e. 0,50

c. 0,75o

18. Where must an object be placed in front of a converging lens have focal length f if the image is to be virtual and 4 times as large as the object?

A. 1,33 f C. 1,50 f

B. 0,80 f D. 1,25 f

C. 0,75 f

19. a substance stays 24 in front of convex mirror which its(the focal distance 12 cm. Situation and substance image property is...

A. 2 cm rear mirror, virtual

B. 4 cm in front of mirror, real

C. 4 cm rear mirror, virtual

D. 8 cm in front of mirror, real

E. 8 cm rear mirror, virtual

20. Seekor ikan terletak di dalam sebuah akuarium berbentuk bola dengan diameter 150 cm (indeks bias air 4/3) . seekor ikan berada 50 cm dari dinding akuarium. Seorang anak berdiri pada jarak 100 cm dari dinding tersebut, maka letak bayangan ikan yang dapat dilihat oleh anak adalah ….

  1. -35 cm C.- 55 cm E.- 70 cm

B. -45 cm D. -65 cm

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